St Pauls Dorking


Sunday Services

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Our 9.00am morning service is usually a traditional Holy Communion, and on the second Sunday of the month it is traditional Morning Prayer. At the 9.00am service we have a choir and sing hymns accompanied by the organ. The service finishes at 10.00am and then refreshments are served. Prayer ministry is always available at the end of the service. 

Between 10.00 and 10.30am both congregations meet over a time of tea, coffee and good conversation. 


The 10.30am service is informal and we sing worship songs with a band. The first Sunday of every month is Cafe Church, on the second Sunday of the month we include Holy Communion and on some Sundays we often baptise new members into the Church family.  Our 10.30 service has lots of groups for children of different ages, who meet in our new parish centre which is joined to the church. Parents register their children in the foyer before the service starts. There are 3 areas for toddlers - inside church, in the foyer and in the creche room. Prayer ministry is available towards the end of the service, from a team of trained prayer ministers.


Our evening service at St Paul's is a very informal time together of contemporary worship, with a short Bible talk and plenty of space given for prayer, words of prophecy, and ministry time. We begin with refreshments, and the service lasts about an hour. 



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