St Pauls Dorking


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Small Groups

Small Groups are the main focus for a whole range of church activities at St Paul’s, including worship and prayer, love and care, outreach, social action and practical support.

Small Groups are vital to the life of the church offering close relationships, prayer support, learning and encouragement to church members that can often be difficult to find in a Sunday service alone.

Small Groups give the opportunity to learn and grow together in mission and ministry both in individual everyday life and together as an expression of the churches vision and outreach.

Small Groups are often the first place for the discovering, building up and use of the gifts of every member.

Small Groups meet during the day and most evenings during the week. There are small groups particularly for men or for women.

Small Groups are linked with a World Church Mission Partner and every small group is encouraged to take part in a Besom project once a year.

All members at St Paul’s are encouraged to join a small group.  Please contact our small group coordinator Sylvia Yelland on to find out more.  Alternatively, call our church office on 01306 743378 (leave a message and we'll get back to you).

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